MMGホーム > フィリピン関連企業 (Philippine Related Company) >
通信事業 (Communications Industry)


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Bayan telecommunications, inc.2403 [English]
Telecommunications company "Bayan tel"
電気通信企業「バヤン・テル」 [PH]

Bell telecommunication Philippines inc.2404 [English]
Telecommunications company "Bell telecommunication Philippines inc."
電気通信企業「ベル・テレコミュニケ-ション・フィリピンズ」 [PH]

Dream satellite television1069 [English]
Satellite television service "Dream satellite television"

Globe telecom12 [English]
Telecommunications company "Globe telecom"
電気通信企業「グロ-ブ・テレコム」 [PH]

Philippine long distance telephone company (PLDT)2405 [English]
Telecommunications company "Philippine long distance telephone company (PLDT)"
電気通信企業「フィリピン長距離電話」 [PH]

Philippine telegraph and telephone company (PT&T)1054 [English]
Telecommunications company "Philippine telegraph and telephone company (PT&T)"
電気通信企業「フィリピン電信電話」 [PH]

Smart communications14 [English]
Telecommunications company "Smart communications"
電気通信企業「スマ-ト・コミュニケ-ションズ」 [PH]

Sun cellular388 [English]
Telecommunications company "Sun cellular"
電気通信企業「サン・セルラ-」 [PH]

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