Dec 16,2004


At 6:00am, I was awake already coz it’s Thursday, & I was assigned to cook, to wash the dishes, to clean the house (our boarding house). I never cook something special coz I just fried some fish and made fried rice for breakfast.

I was late in reporting to our office coz I have to wash the dishes after eating breakfast. In the morning, I was too busy preparing my weekly report to be e-mail to my boss in Singapore.

Then, we ate lunch with my cooked calderetang manok (chicken with tomato sauce). I don’t know if it was delicious but I can say that it was finished. Nothing left for merienda or dinner.

After lunch, guess what, I slept again. I woke 1:00pm then I reported again in the office. During work, I am then busy, preparing again for our party tomorrow. I want to make sure that everything is settled.

After office hour, my co-employees & I went out to buy some gifts for our games & raffles. We arrived home at 8:00pm. Then, we wrapped the items for raffles & games while my other co-employees were preparing for cooking. I was also washing the dishes again & again, actually me alone, huh huh.

Anyway, we finished some of the tasks around 12:00 midnight. We will continue preparing on tomorrow morning. Our grand Christmas Party will start at lunchtime. So I will pray that God will make our party successful & happy.

posted by Mariah : 21:40 | -