Dec 17,2004


7:00am I was forced to wake up coz I already heard the different loud voices of my co-employees. It was already Friday morning, and in the afternoon is the celebration of our grand Christmas Party.

My co-employees were already preparing foods for the party, some of the boys were preparing for the games & decorating our office, & others were grilling some fish & barbecue. And me, I am preparing our programme while once in a while I am checking my co-employees in their different tasks.

And my lady boss was very busy with her husband (monster husband). Actually, I can see in the very eyes of each one of us that everybody was very excited in the main event in the afternoon.

The party would supposed to start at 2:00pm but due to some unavoidable instances like we need to wait for our messenger who went outside for collection, we could never start the party if we were not completed. A day before the party, the policy is drinking must be controllable, but in the morning, with my bossユ monster husband the drinking session were already started that's why some of the employees were drank already just before the party.

I really don't expect that the party, which I have waited for a whole year to be a happy one, turned out to be a bad party.

My two co-employees were already very drank that's why some argumentation happened between them and with my boss. Before the party started, my boss made a very serious statement, saying that she was very mad & disappointed coz she felt that as a boss she was not respected. She cried in front of us. Actually, I want to go to her to stop her from crying and convincing her to slow down a moment coz I want to settle the situation.

Actually, if I were to ask, everything was a fault of her husband, he's really the cause of the problem (I really hate him all over my body). But everything was already said & done so my boss already walked out of the party.

I really don't know what to do, but I know that I have to be strong. I don't want to waste the hardships of everybody. So I took the responsibility.

I stand in front and begged to everyone to be cooperative this time. We don't have to spoil the party, so we have to continue it. We already started at 5:00pm. During the party I could not eat, I was very busy entertaining some of our guess while I have to stay alert with our programme coz I'm the master of ceremony.

Meanwhile, the party at least finished successfully with everybody's help. After the party I then drink, actually I know that have to drink that time. 2:30am I still cannot sleep, maybe I was still shocked. Different issues & problems were hunting me. So, I just prayed hard, maybe things happened the way I didn't expected but I still believe that there's a reason for everything. I slept 3:00 am already. I will just wait what will happen for tomorrow.

God Bless.

posted by Mariah : 21:41 | -